
2 person

510 litres

1640 x 1640 x 875 mm

240kg dry
1050kg wet

Our best compact spa when space is an issue. The overall size and depth of this spa is deceiving, with enough room to comfortably seat 2 adults and a generous footwell which provides the kind of legroom you find in bigger models

The mySpace spa is perfect for anywhere space is at a premium; balconies, alfresco or for tight backyard corners.

Myspace Pearl
mySpace PEARL
SQR jets30
Filtration pump2 speed/low
Hydrojet boost pump2 speed/high
POWERsmart controlSV2
POWERsmart variable heater3kw
Minimum power required15amp
Purewater ozone sanitationoptional
Clearzone water sanitisationoptional
LED waterline lightingYes
Water featureYes
Cedar cabinetYes
Duratek cabinetoptional
Lockable hardcoverYes
Heatlockthermo+ insulationYes

Pool Colours

Cabinet Colours

Pool Cover Colours

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